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Writing & Food?

For the last five weeks I have been taking a summer writing class, but the crazy thing is that our professor has orientated all the lessons around food! Before, I would have never made the connection between writing and food. I know it sounds silly at first, but I promise once you take a closer look at the controversy behind food you’ll see how closely related the two arbitrary topics are.

If you haven't heard of Margaret Mead, open up a new tab right now and Google her. She opened my eyes on how greedy agriculture is, and how ignorant the American people are to the obesity pandemic. As one of the “foremothers” of globalization, Margaret Mead introduced many amazing ideas and research that could help create a global economy and save lives all over the world including right here in America

In my most recent argument, I used a lot of Margaret Mead’s ideas to help shape my argument to help better the country. An important concept that my professor taught us was that if you want to become a better writer take the ideas from other writers and shape them into what you want.

There is so many different types of food just like there's so many different genres of writing. The art of rhetoric writing is like the tomatoes of food. Is it a fruit? Is it a vegetable? It’s both! Rhetorical writing is art and its empowering! It encourages the readers to understand and act on issues. It is also important to remember that rhetorical writing can be used for both good and bad. The connection between writing and food is phenomenal and I encourage everyone to put some thought into the relationship.

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