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  • Writer's pictureBig Poppa

Famine No More

Updated: Jul 23, 2018

The first word that comes to mind when you hear commercial farming is unhealthy. The first word Margaret Mead, a well known anthropologist, thought of when she heard the term commercial farming is abundance. Mead believed that today, we do in fact have the technology and productivity capacity to end world hunger through commercial farming. Crazy right? The industry that has been taking the most heat recently could be the answer to help solve famine worldwide!

Our Problem

According to Margaret, we do have the productivity capacity, technology, and wealth to feed everyone with our technological advances in agriculture. Unfortunately, ever since the agricultural revolution, we have not used the capability to solve world hunger because we have yet to recognize that we have a problem right here in America, over nourishment. Food has turned into sugary snacks and beverages that are destroying the American population. This is when food is starting to be seen as an economic opportunity due to commercial farming rather than actual sustenance.


The first step in fixing this issue is to admit that we as Americans do have an over nourishment problem. The fact that we haven't already admitted that we have a problem just goes to show how stubborn we are as people. Next, we need to solve our own undernourishment issue. If we aren't capable of solving the issue here in our own country how are we going to make a change globally. Then we need to share our agricultural advances with the rest of the world so that we can help create a global economy. The solutions are not cost friendly, but in the end we are solving a global issue which has been around since the beginning of the human race.

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Asap Nickotine
Asap Nickotine
Jul 23, 2018

Thank You! I've worked on it for about a week.


Jul 23, 2018

Definitely the best post I've seen so far.

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